
Customer Market Size Analysis

Explain the market size for your product or service. Use identified / researched customer characteristics to create your market size.

What is the Total Addressable Market (TAM) for your new product/service?
How can you validate your TAM market? Note: answers to this question should include at least THREE different data sources, particularly FORECASTS of market opportunities.

What makes you believe this is the customer market opportunity?
What is your Segment customer market to buy your product/service?
How can you validate this information? Note: answers to this question should include at least FIVE different data sources, particularly FORECASTS of market opportunities.

Note: for this section, please refer back to our presentation slides on marketing. There are also several good resources on how to calculate TAM. Here are a couple to consider:
How Big is the Market (video): Video Link (2 min)
Total Available Market – How to Build a Startup: Video Link (4 min)

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David Lee

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