
discussion about the eye of the storm documentary

Below are the discussion questions for the Eye of the Storm documentary.

  1. Using the concepts of self-concept and self-esteem find one example from the film The Eye of the Stormthat illustrates how the eye color experiment affected the children’s self perception and/or performance for better or for worse. Explain briefly how it relates to their self-conceptand self-esteem.
  2. Reflected Appraisalsrefer to the ways we establish our self-concept based on the way we believe others perceive us. Using this concept, share a specific example from the documentary that demonstrates how the children experienced this phenomenon.
  3. Find one example from the documentary of a superior social comparison and one example of an inferior social comparison. Explain briefly how each example represents the given concept.

number and answer the 3 questions

answer each question with at least 50 words


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