
discussion board and reply for 2 students 1

In this discussion assignment you are become a member of the Caesar Chavez organization and to write a study of his life, times, organization and successes to show that Caesar Chavez day in California is a well deserved tribute to this minority leader. You are going to read Chapter 3 in the text along with the lecture on Modern Mexican Americans. You will view the videos on Chavez and his movement. Plus you are to read the information at these websites:
This is the official web site of the United Farm Workers: it gives us some excellent material on the life and work of Chavez. It shares some of his speeches and even has a movie to view: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)Here are more sites on the life and times and work of Chavez: (Links to an external site.); (Links to an external site.) Finally you are going to comment on whether you feel that the border situation is improving today and agree or disagree with two other students. Good luck.

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