
Explain and identify the use of scientific literature to support your development decisions.

1. Define the teaching/learning need.2. Describe how youa. identified the teaching/learning needb. assessed the scope and breadth of the teaching/learning need3. Explain the teaching/learning tool development and the rationale for its creation.4. Explain and identify the use of scientific literature to support your development decisions. (Be very thorough)5. Assess how well your project was received and its suitability for future use and/or revision. Integrate the nursing interventions ofa. communicationb. teaching6. Reflect on this teaching/learning process from inception of idea to delivery of content. Integrate the concepts ofa. collaboration,b. conceptualizationc. critical thinking.CONCLUSION1. Write a succinct conclusion and indicate your take away from the experience and ideas for further use (are there revisions that would enhance the tool, is there a better means to use the tool?)


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David Lee
David Lee

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