
explain how information technology it promotes getting people who are affected by policies involved in the policy making process

Please follow the instructions below and write a Thesis paper with APA format. I am also attaching the text book for the subject. Please include all the components of the Thesis paper which i mentioned below while writing.


Your final research paper assignment is to write a research paper that explains how Information Technology (IT) promotes getting people who are affected by policies involved in the policy-making process. Cite specific examples.

To complete this assignment, upload a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) that contains your complete paper. Remember that your paper, including your list of sources, must be in APA format, and you MUST cite your reference in the body of the paper using APA in-text citation format. A source is any paper or article that you will reference in your paper. If you need more information on APA format (for references list AND in-text citations), visit this reference:…

This assignment must be YOUR OWN WORK! This is an individual assignment. Plagiarism detected in your work will result in a grade of zero for the entire paper.

Here are a few details about the overall research paper Please look at the attached rubric for details on how the paper will be graded.

You must reference two (2) peer-reviewed articles or papers that support your thesis statement. One of these papers may be from your annotated bibliography assignment. The final paper must be at least 500 words in length. (DO NOT exceed 500 words by a material amount. Excessive words or too many references will NOT impress me.)

So in summary, here are the research paper requirements:

2 peer reviewed resources (articles or papers) (1 may be from your annotated bibliography assignment)

Paper MUST address: How Information Technology (IT) promotes getting people who are affected by policies involved in the policy-making process. Cite specific examples.

Cited sources must directly support your paper (i.e. not incidental references)

At least 500 words in length (but NOT longer than 1000 words)

If you are not sure how to identify peer reviewed papers or articles, please visit the following resources:……

Thesis Paper Components which have to be included in the paper.

1. Basic Requirements – Formatted correctly, at least 500 words in length, citation page and internal citations correct (APA format), at least 2 cited peer reviewed sources.

2. Thesis Statement – Engaging, challenging, and clearly focuses the paper. Effectively stated in the introduction and carried throughout the paper

3. Introduction – Strong and effective, it is engaging and clearly defines the thesis, as well as provides a foundation for the body of the paper

4. Content – Strongly and vividly supports the thesis and is reflective of strong, thorough research. Illustrates extensive knowledge of the topic. Every aspect of the thesis is supported by quality acad

5. Organization – Effectively organized. Logical structure of points and smooth transitions convey both understanding of topic and care in writing.

6. Citation Format – APA format is used accurately as needed throughout the entire paper.

7. Conclusion – Strongly and clearly connects the thesis statement to the research to draw a specific conclusion that does not leave the reader with questions regarding the thesis

8. Conventions – Conventions of standard written English are used with accuracy; there are few, if any, minor errors.


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David Lee
David Lee

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