
Federal Bailout and Stimulus Spending, business and finance homework help

Federal Bailout and Stimulus Spending

1. Stimulus Package from February 2008 168 Billion
2. Fannie Mae, Freddie MAC 200 Billion
3. AIG 22.8 Billion
4. Financial Bailout 700 Billion
5. Auto Bailout 17 Billion
6. President Obama’s Plan 800 Billion+


As most of you are aware, when President Obama assumed office the country was in an economic crisis. Decisive action had to be taken in order to prevent an economic melt-down (recession, depression?). As a result, the U.S. economic stimulus and bailout was initiated. The abovementioned breakdown represents a 2 Trillion Dollar cost for the U.S. economic stimulus and bailout alone! Not to mention that this is just a short-term fix (hopefully to stabilize the failing economy). This money is claims on future tax-payers…you and your children! Considering the country’s current situation, did this effort make a difference? Is the President’s plan working? What is your opinion on this matter? In your discussions, please consider the following:

1. Economic Impact

2. Your individual rights and the rights of U.S. citizens in general

3. Employment Impact

4. The Recession

5. Consumer Rights

6. The Politics Involved

7. Global Impact

8. Personal Experiences

9. Solutions

10. What’s The Future?

11. Capitalism: Is it working?

The abovemention are just suggested considerations. Please feel free to add more.

Special Note: Your participation is vital to your receiving substantial credit for your Discussion and Class Participation requirements. Therefore, I expect a very conscientious effort! This question requires research and analysis. “Half-hearted” answers, and excuses will not be tolerated.


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