In application of the concepts learned in this course, you will now compile a strategic marketing plan for a new start-up business that works in the business-to-business (B2B) sector. Your primary customer needs to be another business. For your start-up, think about a business that you would hypothetically like to start someday.
Compile a strategic marketing plan following the guidelines below (feel free to use the headings below as your section titles).
Company What is the name of your company? (Be creative!) What are the primary products or services your company will offer?
Target Market Who is your primary target market? (Remember, this should be other businesses to align with the B2B requirement.)
Industry and Competitive Analysis What are the trends in this industry? (Include citations to support your research.) Who are the competitors, and how are they differentiated from your company? (Think about the product or service offerings, pricing, and distribution strategies that might differ.)
Distribution What is the intended distribution strategy? What is the rationale for using this distribution strategy, both from an organizational standpoint and a customer standpoint? What are the trends’ projections that will affect future distribution?
Pricing What is the pricing strategy? How would you utilize Internet marketing and e-commerce to sell your products? What is the rationale for this pricing strategy, with a focus on the customer?
Communication What promotional methods would you use? (Include at least five methods, both traditional and digital.) What is the rationale for using each of these?
Your submission should be a minimum of five pages. The required title and reference pages do not count toward the minimum page count. References should include three sources (one can be the textbook). All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Follow APA formatting and guidelines.
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