
socw6333 discussion the art of caring wk1

Due Tuesday 2/26/2019

Please be detailed in response, use 2 APA references and use bulleted headings in response

As a helping professional you have three primary roles in relation to vicarious trauma. First, you must be able to identify vicarious trauma symptoms within yourself and in other trauma-response helping professionals (e.g., emergency room nurses, emergency response personnel). Second, you must be able to apply intervention and prevention methods effectively. Third, you must be able to educate future professionals on recognizing vicarious trauma within themselves and those with whom they may interact. How might the trauma of others impact you as a helping professional?

  • Post a brief description of a specific individual with whom you have worked who experienced a trauma, and briefly describe the incident.
  • Then, briefly describe the impact this experience had on you as a helping professional.
  • Explain how you were or were not prepared for exposure to this individual’s trauma. Be specific and use examples.


Morrissette, P. J. (2004). The pain of helping: Psychological injury of helping professionals. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis.

  • Chapter 1, “Traumatology: An Overview”


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